About Child Care and Development Program
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Child Care & Development Program
The Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) oversees the administration of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) in Nevada. This program helps families that meet the State Median Income (SMI) and those transitioning from public assistance access affordable child care so they can work or attend school. CCDF funds are also dedicated to improving the quality of child care through initiatives that support professional development for child care providers and ensure safe, healthy, and nurturing environments for children from birth to 12 years of age.

Nevada Department of Education Office of Early Learning & Development
The focus of the Office of ELD is to coordinate birth-3rd grade state level work in collaboration with the Nevada Early Childhood Advisory Council and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Child Care & Development Program to improve access and quality of early childhood programs across a variety of settings.

The Children's Cabinet
The Children’s Cabinet’s Supporting Early Education and Development (SEED) department believes that every child and family deserves access to high-quality early education and care and that learning providers are supporting and respected in their critical role of caring for and educating our children. The Children’s Cabinet provides child care subsidy assistance & child care referrals throughout northern Nevada and the rural counties.

Las Vegas Urban League
The LVUL Early Childhood Connection’s mission is to provide access to quality child care and resources for self-sufficiency. Early Childhood Connection provides child care subsidy assistance and child care referral services to Clark and Nye Counties.