Resources for Parents
Questions & Answers from Copayment Webinar
This Q&A provides essential information for families on the new Child Care Copayment Subsidy Changes, effective October 1, 2024. It covers updates from copayment webinars, including copayment responsibilities, income eligibility adjustments, and notifications for available child care slots following the conclusion of COVID relief funding on September 30, 2024. Parents can find guidance on their financial responsibilities, updated eligibility requirements, and important updates on child care availability.
Child Care Subsidy Assistance
Child Care Subsidy Assistance supports income-eligible parents with the high cost of child care. Visit our Child Care Financial Assistance page to find out more.
Finding Quality Child Care
Use our child care portal to search for licensed care in Nevada. This search portal finds licensed child care providers that are close to your home, work or school. Information includes the quality star level for each provider.
The Nevada Silver State Stars QRIS is a 5-star system open to center-based childcare, school-based (or local education agency) pre-K programs, and family childcare programs. Nevada’s Silver State Stars Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) is a star-based system that evaluates the quality of childcare programs throughout Nevada and provides support in improving the quality of childcare offerings.
QRIS star rating system operates on a scale from 1 to 5 stars, although it should not be mistaken for a rating system akin to Yelp or other consumer review platforms. The QRIS assesses the quality of crucial factors that contribute to a child’s development, these factors include:
- Language and communication skills
- Positive interactions between teachers and children
- The use of developmentally approved practices
- The encouragement of problem-solving and creative expression in children

Child Development and Screening
Early childhood is a period of rapid development. How children are nurtured and educated from prenatal to third grade creates the foundation for their entire lives.
Learn more about Child Development and Screening

Tax Credits for Families
Did you know that the Child Tax Credit can reduce the amount of federal tax you owe? For each qualifying child under the age of 17, you could receive a credit of up to $2,000, depending on your income. Even if you aren’t required to file taxes, you may still be eligible for part of this credit through a tax refund.
Additionally, if you pay for child care, you might be eligible for the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. This program allows you to claim a portion of your child care expenses on your federal income tax return, which can reduce the taxes you owe.
For more information on these credits and how to qualify, visit:
For detailed guidance, you can also visit the IRS website or consult with a tax professional.

Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
Part B & Part C
IDEA Part C provides Early Intervention services to families with children ages zero to three who have a developmental delay or diagnosed disability. IDEA Part B provides services for children ages 3-21 and is administered through the Child Find – Early Intervention offices of local school districts. For more information and resources for children with disabilities, visit Project Assist.

Family Education & Engagement
There are several organizations that hold classes for parents across Nevada. Please visit The Children’s Cabinet, Las Vegas Urban League, Boys Town Nevada, Nevada Cooperative Extension, and Nevada PEP (for children with disabilities). For simple ways you can engage with your child every day, visit Vroom!

First 5 Nevada
First 5 Nevada offers parents a hub of resources to support their child’s growth and development. From early education tips to health programs and family services, this site provides practical tools and guidance to help give your child the best possible start in life. Services include health and safety, special needs and early intervention, food and nutrition, and programs for families.

Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada
The Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc., Child Care Development Fund Program provides child care payment assistance to support families in Nevada’s tribal communities. The program promotes safe, healthy, and high-quality early learning environments for American Indian and Alaska Native children. ITCN CCDF serves 14 tribes and urban areas across Nevada, including Reno, Sparks, Carson City, and Las Vegas.

Moapa Band of Paiutes Tribal Child Care
The Moapa Band of Paiutes Tribal Child Care program supports Native American and Alaskan Native families in Clark County, NV by providing access to high-quality child care services.
To be eligible for the program, the only requirement is that at least one member of the household must be a member or descendant of one of the 574 federally recognized tribes.

Other Assistance - Nevada 2-1-1
For other resources and assistance programs, visit Nevada 2-1-1 where you can search for assistance by county and by assistance type.